1. Respeta el epílogo
(en la mayoría de los casos con Snape sobreviviendo como única alteración) |
MALFOYZITHA - "Fate is a Four Letter Word" (en proceso - 56.758 palabras)
La única meta de Harry es construir un mundo libre y seguro para su familia, pero sus esfuerzos son destruidos una tarde de primavera. Harry se encuentra con nuevos amigos y viejos enemigos, viejos amigos y nuevos enemigos, mientras que intenta encontrar un camino a través de un mundo cambiante. SS/HP/KS [Contenido Hetero, Muerte de un personaje, Trios, Violacion/Non-Con, Violencia]
ASNOWYOWL - "A certain kind of Fool" (completed - 38.700 words) STL For Severus, everything changes when Harry and his children move into Hogwarts. Albus Severus has taken a liking to him and it seems Harry Potter has a secret. [NC17; Partially epilogue compliant. Includes rimming] The State Security Forces come not in the middle of a dark night as one might expect, but on a bright, sunshiny Sunday morning just after the sausages are set on the kitchen table.[Non-Snarry pairing (non-explicit), het mentions, bisexuality, minor character death, politics, semi-epilogue compliance, violence]
KLYNIE1 - "Love, Pregnancy and Camel Riding" (complete - 27.600 words)
48-year-old Harry Potter is the victim of an accidental immaculate conception. [DH spoilers, including the epilogue, Mpreg, Harry/Snape, Albus/Scorpius]
WICKED SUSHI - "Time and Again" (complete - 28.357 words)
Twenty years after Voldemort's death, Harry Potter discovers the one thing he didn't expect: that Severus Snape survived, trapped in a hallucination that has lasted decades. Harry takes it upon himself to see Snape sane again. In the process, the small cracks in his marriage widen, and he finds himself face-to-face with his own nightmare, a Slytherin son. [trata temas maduros. no-warnings, Mental Illnes, Harry/Ginny/Snape ¿?] |
Cuando Harry Potter ingresó en la academia de aurores, lo primero que vio al traspasar la puerta fue el gran escudo con el lema de los defensores de la ley y el orden del mundo mágico: Servir y Proteger. Sin tener en cuenta raza, credo, estado de la sangre… o que el sujeto en cuestión sea un bastardo grasiento que ha amargado tu vida escolar durante seis años. [Suspense]
El trabajo de auror hace que a veces tengas que arriesgar tu vida, otras no sólo se trata de eso.
ROWENA PRINCE - "Protegiendo a Harry" (completo - 57.436)
Harry y Ron están en el Ministerio preparándose para ser Aurores. Severus Snape es un solitario que pasó un año en Azkabán, hasta que la defensa de Harry lo sacó de allí. Mientras Harry hace sus prácticas como Auror y Snape se lame sus heridas en Spinner´s End, tres horribles crímenes cruzarán de nuevo sus vidas, con ayuda del lado más Slytherin de Harry Potter. Una historia con mucha aventura, acción, angst y muucho lemon.
TRABAJO DE AUROR DE VUELTA EN HOGWARTS / PROFESOR ASHRAM - "Misión: profesor de DCAO" (WIP - 21.534 palabras) Al finalizar la guerra, harry inicia sus estudios como auror. Después de cuatro años de carrera, consigue su propósito. Pero en su primer día de trabajo como auror, el destino lo lleva de nuevo a Hogwarts, donde se encontrará de nuevo con su profesor de pociones. Qué le deparará el destino al héroe del mundo mágico? [voyerismo]
Harry llega a Hogwarts para arrebatarle a Snape su ansiado puesto de profesor de DCAO. El profesor de pociones y ahora subdirector del colegio no puede estar más contrariado. Pero todo cambiará cuando Potter baje a pasar las veladas en la mazmorra... El joven auror tiene una lesión permanente en la pierna por culpa de una maldición y tiene que ponerse a los cuidados de Snape.
PESCADORA DE ESTIGIA - "Por los servicios prestados" (one-shot)
Traducción del original de MINX. Severus y Harry llegan a un acuerdo. Intercambiar el cuidado de una serpiente por favores sexuales (incluye el cuidado de Harry enfermo)
Harry oye una explosión en las mazmorras y acude asustado a ver qué ha pasado. Snape le tiene preparado un castigo muy especial. [bdsm, Harry Profesor en Hogwarts, PWP]
HARRY O SEVERUS CON ALGUNA ENFERMEDAD O SECUELA DE GUERRA ENTRENOUS88 - "The Bite and the Cure" (completed - 10,900 words) When a grave danger threatens Harry Potter's life, Severus Snape offers the only cure. [Explicit sex, Life-threatening situations, decease-auror-Harry, postwae]
Después de la batalla final, Harry abandona el mundo mágico. Severus es enviado a encontrarlo. Lo que no sabe es la horrible desfiguración que Potter está sufriendo debido a una maldición oscura.
Harry, condenado a muerte tras el fin de la guerra, logra huir de Azkaban convirtiéndose así en el prófugo más buscado de todos los tiempos.
Después de siete años de constante huida, en un momento de desesperación se verá obligado a hacer algo que no desea para poder seguir manteniéndose con vida. Lo que no sabía, era que esa acción definiría su destino. [prost!Harry, Mpreg, angst]
Una vez más, Severus se ve obligado a estar a la entera disposición del llamado Niño Que Vivió…Pero Harry no será el Niño Que Vivió por mucho tiempo debido a una grave enfermedad que contrajo tras la batalla final [drama, angst]
Original en inglés: CLUEGIRL - "Everybody´s fool" (completo - 104.957 palabras)
Harry después de la guerra, sin pareja (tras varios desengaños), cabreado, borracho... Tras un montón de relaciones fallidas tras la guerra Harry se separa de sus amigos y pasa a cubrir un puesto similar al de guardabosques, con la salvedad de que él trabaja conjuntamente con Snape para reforzar las defensas de Hogwarts. Los dos aprenderán mucho sobre el amor... a su manera. [relación de desarrollo lento pero caliente^^, mucha teoría mágica, drama, angustia, alcohol, intento de violación, Harry/Ron, Harry/Draco, Harry/Otros, Harry/Snape (pareja principal)]
Debido al pago de unas clases particulares de pociones para pasar el examen de Auror, Harry descubre una nueva forma de vida con el sadomasoquismo, y toma como amo a Snape. [Orgias, Parafilias, PWP, Sadomasoquismo, Trios, Voyerismo=mirar a otros]
La guerra finalizó hace tiempo, el mundo ha vuelto a la normalidad y magos y brujas han retomado sus vidas. Una tarde, Hermione, triste y compungida, se presenta en casa de su amigo Harry para hacerle una curiosa solicitud. [Tríos, Slash, Hetero, bastante PWP.]
Harry Potter y Severus Snape han sobrevivido a una guerra. ¿Podrán sobrevivir a un encuentro casual en un lugar inesperado?
GATEWAYGIRL - "A time to Forget" (completed - 17.144 words) SL
Harry had expected teaching at Hogwarts, even temporarily, would have complications -- his children, for instance. But when he goes exploring in the dungeons, the past moves inexorably into his present.
After being injured as an Auror, Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts to teach Defense Against The Dark Arts. [drama, angst, romance no fluffy]
Still reeling from the Unforgivable Curse that ended the war, Harry asks Snape to help him deal with the aftermath of defeating Voldemort.[BDSM, Bondage, Dom/Sub Relationship, Fetish/Kink, Mental Illness, Rimming]
Snape has gone feral, but what caused it, and how will Harry cope now that his once impotent and repressed partner is suddenly all for giving in to his more… primal urges? [ambiguous consent, fetish/kink, fisting, hurt/comfort, mental illness, Mpreg, object penetration, OoC, rimming, violence] A pesar de las duras advertencias es una historia con buen argumento.
It will prove to be an interesting summer for Severus Snape with murder, intrigue, Dark creatures, a wedding in planning, meddlesome family and employers, and the last of Voldemort's lingering shadow. -HP/SS slash- -Written before HBP- [historia que envuelve a Harry, la familia Snape y a un nuevo villano-vampiro muy logrado] [Romance, Angustia, violencia]
BLOOD RED END - "Endlessly" (complete - 4 capítulos)
After the battle at Hogwarts, Harry feels like he must go back to the Shrieking Shack to give Snape a proper burial. What happens when the body isn't there? [drama]
emilywaters76 - "Big Bang: Follow Me Home" (complete - 33000 words)
Seven years after the war, Harry Potter is gone from the wizarding world. A chance meeting in a Muggle BDSM club leaves Snape wondering about the reasons that made Harry leave. [OoC, violence, BDSM, rough sex, corporal punishment, bondage, humiliation, knife-play, rack (risk-aware consensual kink), better argument than "show"]
## LES YEUX VERTS - Lust potion number nine (completed - 14,152) Harry Potter was the last person Severus expected to need this particular potion, but the Ministry's Propagation and Restoration Emergency Guidelines have them both trapped in lives they don't particularly want to lead.(incluye Harry/Ginny, Harry/Viktor Krum)
SABATHco - "Out of the Ashes" (en proceso/on going - 34 caps)
Snape awakes a week after the Battle of Hogwarts to be told Harry Potter saved his life. [Post-war, slow Snape/Harry, adult themes, mild profanity, romance, male/male, AU]
Libro 1 - ¿Y si Harry nunca hubiese vivido la experiencia de King's Cross que se describe en el libro 7? Severus Snape sobrevive a la picadura de Nagini, y se despierta tras cinco años de coma, sólo para ser condenado a muerte y dejado bajo custodia de un Harry Potter vengativo, cruel y muy poderoso, que quiere hacerle pagar por sus pecados.
Nadie cree la historia de Snape, exceptuando tres inesperados aliados, que parecen inmunes a los efectos de la oscuridad que rodea de nuevo el mundo mágico.
Libro 2 - Ahora sí que ha terminado la guerra, y tanto Harry como Severus Snape, han superado la dura prueba. Pero las consecuencias de esos dos meses en el Valle Godric todavía les acompañan.
[DarkFic. Muy inquietante. Humillación, N/C (non-con), esclavitud, violencia gráfica, violación, tortura, sexo slash, abuso, relación esclavo/amo, D/s (Dominante/sumiso), bondage, disciplina.]
Harry ha perdido a todos sus amigos. Sí no puede contar con ellos ¿Quién lo ayudará cuando sus peores temores se hagan realidad?... Nuestro héroe va a descubrir que su única oportunidad de sobrevivir se encuentra en manos de un mortífago que no tiene ninguna razón para salvarlo... [Violacion/Non-Con, Violencia, Harry no pierde la guerra pero acaba en Azkaban] |
In a world where winning the war was only half the battle, will Harry Potter's crazy heroics be enough to save an outcast? [Hurt/Comfort, Mental Illness, drama, angst]
Harry recurre a Severus (mortífago prófugo que muchos creen muerto) para pedirle que le haga una poción muy especial (está en vuestra mano descubrir qué hace) que cambiara por completo su vida. ¿Podrá sobrevivir a ese cambio su relación con Ginny y sus amigos? ¿Qué precio pedirá Severus por hacer la poción? [trasfondo psicológico, escenas sexuales poco descriptivas, Harry/Ginny, Harry/Severus, Harry/otros. Harriet!]
Harry makes some as yet undetermined mistake and Apparates himself and Snape to some unknown place in the middle of a big storm. Co-authored with stellahobbit. Dirty, filthy, gratuitious filthy smut. If it's a kink, we managed to squeeze it in there. No, seriously. [bagpiping, bondage, bukkake, C&B torture, chan(nish), D/s, dirty talk, drug use, fisting, gags, hot wax, mild spanking, misuse of Muggle artefacts, misuse of Wizarding artefacts, nipple clamps, object penetration, rimming, shaving, snowballing]
Voldemort is gone, now the question is: What to do with the Marked Ones that haven’t really committed any crimes? The Wizarding World’s solution: Place them under the care and ‘protection’ of a Guide from the Light. The problem is most of these Guides are wizards and witches who have lost love ones in the years of battle against the deranged wizard. As in the case of one Harry James Potter who cannot see Severus Snape go free after having killed his parents, godfather, and mentor. Severus Snape agrees. [drama, VERY Angst, Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, BDSM, MPreg, Non-con (rape), Contains Slash Sex]
Three years after Voldemort’s demise, Aurors Weasley and Potter find a lair of Death Eaters. After killing some in a gruesome battle and arresting the rest they search the place and find a miserable looking creature in a corner. They can not believe who it is. Snarry!
Severus Snape thought that his name was cleared after the end of the War, never thinking that the lifelong punishment of slavery handed to Death Eaters would be extended to him. Nevertheless, he was strong. He wouldn't break. SS/HP. Winner of DH award!
Harry feels that the only way to keep Snape from serving an undeserving stint in Azkaban is to go through a bonding ceremony with him, thus proving that if Harry Potter has enough faith in Severus Snape to marry him, the man can't be all that bad. How long will it take before the ruse turns real?
AMANUENSIS - "A Spell to Turn Tigers Into Butter" (completed - 8,936 words) Comparing the stories his enemies tell, we see that Harry remains resourceful even in the worst circumstances... [Non-con, kink (BDSM, heavy in places), and character death, violence, non-snarry pairing (Harry/Lucius & Harry/Snape)] AMANUENSIS - "And Just Plain Wrong" (completed - 20.193 words) Voldemort has won, and Hogwarts is the Death Eaters' twisted playground. [Extreme kink, Humiliation, Dark, Non-con, Draco/Harry, Lucius/Harry, Snape/Voldemort/Harry, lots of other evil goings-on] ARADIA - "Darkness, Darkness" (completed - 5,695 words) Harry and Severus are held captive by Lord Voldemort.
CLUEGIRL - "Let all mortal flesh keep silent" (completed - 46.839 words)
Voldemort wins the and three years later Harry is his Pet, his trophie and Malfoy's Pet Who Lived. Very recomended, a very weel argument and war fight whit the correct amount of angst. [HP/SS (principal couple), HP/LM, HP/PP, HP/HG, HP/Other, rape, BSDM, Violence, Slavery, Breathplay, Bloodplay, Character Death, and much Angst] CLUEGIRL - "Pink Slip" (completed - 6,500 words) SL Harry is turned over to Lucius Malfoy as part of a peace treaty after the deaths of both Voldemort and Dumbledore. Certain, basic rights are guaranteed by the Welfare Inspector... who just happens to be one Severus Snape. [Bondage, Chan (15), Discipline, Domination/submission, Dubious consent, First Time, Forced Femme, Graphic sex, Slash, Slavefic, Cross-dressing, cok and ball torture]
LinW - "The Oiran" (complete - 33.216 palabras) ¿SL?
When the Dark Lord orders his favored Potion Master to investigate some puzzling medical data collected by the Ministry, Severus Snape is thrust into an underground world full of halfbloods and Muggleborns trying to survive in a Wizarding world controlled by blood prejudice. There, he meets the green-eyed entertainer called The Phoenix, and a larger plot of potions injustice and Ministry apathy unfolds. [Angst, AU – Magical, Drama, Multiple Partners, Ambiguous Consent, Chan 16-18, Character Death, Dark, Domestic Abuse, Hurt/Comfort, Mpreg, Multiple Partners, Non-Con, Non-Snarry Pairing, Out of Character, Violence/Torture] How long do you fight when you've already lost? Harry, Ron, and Hermione must survive in a world where all is not what it seems; but what it seems is unbearable.[Ambiguous Consent, BDSM, Bloodplay/Breathplay, Bondage, Chan 16-18, Dark, Dom/Sub Relationship, Fetish/Kink, Het, Hurt/Comfort, Multiple Partners, Non-Con, Non-Snarry Pairing, Rape, Threesomes, Violence/Torture] (me quedé con la impresión de que dejó sin escribir un Libro III, pero aún así es bastante conclusivo)
StarCrossed / Kayla Frost - Nights of Gesthsemane (or here) + NoG Remix + Invictus + The release of Sisyphus.
NoG (completo. 65 cap) Harry is a prisoner of the Dark Lord and Snape his prison guard. Completely cut off from the outside world, Harry struggles to hold himself intact as he is forced to rely on Snape for everything. Yet Snape may not be all that he appears.... [drama, angst, violación, tortura] + Invictus. (completo. 50 cap) Severus's POV of the epic Nights of Gethsemane. When the Dark Lord captures Potter, Severus is forced to do his best to protect Potter whilst remaining in the Dark Lord's favour. + The release of Sisyphus. The epilogue to Nights of Gethsemane and Invictus (incompleto 12/18 cap)
TANGLE_FOOT - "... And Dagger" (completed)
Harry is captured by the Death Eaters and Snape takes his final 'turn.' [HP/LM, other Death Eaters, HP/SS, rape, torture, bondage]
AU Parcial - Rent!Boy
AMANUENSIS - "Hypocritic Oath" (completed - 3,197 words)
Harry's not well. Neither is Snape. [Non-con. Prostitution. Voyeurism by way of third-party OMC. Sloppy seconds. Bad!Snape]
DAYSE - "Knockturn in the Rain" (completed - 5,213 words)
Severus Snape meets Harry Potter in Knockturn Alley. [Chan, major character death, AU, prostitution, implied violence]DRACOFIEND - "But it's better if you do" (completed - 4,055 words) & "It's best if you don't" (completed - 5,903 words) After killing Voldemort and escaping the wizarding world, Harry is seventeen and depleted, with nothing but himself to sell. Lapdances are easy to give, because he doesn't think--until he dances for Severus Snape.
Harry is at the Dursley's for the summer. After a traumatic encounter with his uncle, Harry gets abandoned on the outskirts of London. Who will save him? Post-OOTP. [Snarry Slash. Hurt/Comfort. Some non-con early in the story, rent!boy]
NTAMARA - "Choosing Loyalties" (complete - 71.665 words) SL
Ten minutes before Hagrid arrives to tell Harry of his wizarding parentage and destiny, Harry is kidnapped by a Voldemort controlled Quirrell while Peter Pettigrew casts a doppelganger spell and takes Harry’s place. HPSS, SSLV, others implied.[HP/SS, HP/LV, SS/LV, SS/AD, SS/Quirrell, violence, non-con, nastiness]
Ten minutes before Hagrid arrives to tell Harry of his wizarding parentage and destiny, Harry is kidnapped by a Voldemort controlled Quirrell while Peter Pettigrew casts a doppelganger spell and takes Harry’s place. HPSS, SSLV, others implied.[HP/SS, HP/LV, SS/LV, SS/AD, SS/Quirrell, violence, non-con, nastiness]
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